Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Grad and Michigan and such

Yikes, so the grad is in like what, 3 days?

That’s crazy.

I’m graduating high school :|

I’m finding that I’m looking forward to the weekend more and more as it gets closer, maybe it’s because I’m leaving for Michigan on Monday morning though :P

I’ll have my first experience in a limo this Saturday, I’m looking forward to that. We’re pretty lucky we lucked into being able to get one. We actually only called about it about 8 weeks ago or so and someone wanted to cancel that timeslot so we just took it instead. Apparently those people booked it for that time months ago! Haha

Like I said, Michigan again on Monday morning :)

I’ll be missing 4 days of school which is too bad because I hate missing class/getting behind but can’t really do much about that…

I’ll be helping out my Aunt with her Kindergarten kids again for a few days until their Easter break starts, I did the same thing last Christmas and loved it and I thought me having the classroom experience was pretty sweet since I’m doing primary/elementary education at MUN. I was speaking to the principal about it and he said it was definitly worth missing a few days of school for. I mentioned that I’m going to be doing education in MUN and he told me that he could really see me being a great primary/elementary teacher and if I ever need a reference for a teaching job I could come to him!

I think we’re getting report cards again tomorrow.

Meh, I’ll be fine I think. I think I’ve gone up in everything so that’s always good I guess.

I never really have anything to say on this..

I have a math quiz tomorrow though, and I should be studying for it.



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