Saturday, February 18, 2006

Sliding at Bowering Park

Maybe there was a reason why I haven’t gone sliding in like 3 years…

Last night after Etcetera/Show Choir, myself, Jaimie F, Josh B, Jon H, Justin W, Brad F, Dave G and Greg decided to go sliding at Bowering Park.

The second time I went down the hill my tube left from under me and I ended up falling straight on my back with Jaimie on top of me. My back still feels uncomfortable and aching, my lip is swollen and my back is scratched too, nothing major though.

Jaimie however took a worse fall afterwards…

She was sliding down the hill and realized she was going to hit a tree so instead of sticking out her legs to stop her she put out her right arm and she bucked it back, flipped over and landed on it. Jon was checking it for her, she could move her fingers a bit, he’d pinch her fingers and she was able to feel it but she was still in a nice bit of pain, so Jon wrapped it up in a scarf and gave her a sling and we brought her to the Janeway at like 12.

Jon called her Mom and she met us at the Janeway shortly after.

They did an e-ray on it and it turns out that she has a fractured bone…

I’m not sure what yet, we didn’t want to hang around the hospital causing much noise or anything so we left as soon as Jaimie went into the plaster room to get her cast.

Our sliding trip was a little unsuccessful…

We think that her cast might be up over her elbow because she was complaining about pains in her forearm too. I really hope it’ll be off in time for the grad though on the 8th of April, which is in about 6/7 weeks or so.

Get better Jaimie :)


At Fri Feb 24, 08:00:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, sliding really is an extreme sport!


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