Monday, January 16, 2006

It’s been a while since I last updated…

Jen encouraged me to update soon so here I am!

Hopefully this time I’ll get through it without talking about either Rent or Michigan hehe.

Things have been a little different since I’ve been home, sometimes different in a bad way, and other times in a great way and I don’t exactly know what it’s about, it’s just like something is bothering me…it’s weird. But besides that everything is going great! I’m really really realizing how important some of my friends are to me, it’s like the importance of it just keeps growing and growing, it’s pretty amazing :)

I have my first exam this Friday. Yuck.


Then History on Monday, French on Tuesday, Math on Wednesday and Biology on Thursday and then I get a day off for Friday.

Exam week is only one week+a day this year…it’s usually been about 2.5 weeks for high school I do believe. In level one I managed to squeeze in a trip to Michigan for 10 days after I finished my 5 exams that year. So 1 day off vs 10 days? Something had to happen there!

There was a Youth Service at Mount Pearl last night.

It went pretty awesome and Abandon did a great job too!

I ended up typing on the computer there in the sound room for an hour and a half trying to organize a PowerPoint with all of their lyrics….and in the end I’m not sure if Chris(PP guy) used it…because when I did it there was a blue background and the one that was used during the service was white…. Questionable)

Ah well, I was content doing it.

I’m a dork and love organizing everything so I couldn’t have been happier being given another task:P

I had to do the scripture reading…and apparently I said “parasites” in stead of “parazittes” or something… it was close enough! Some of those words were pretty difficult to read!

Grad dress shopping round 1 happened on Saturday.

I went out with Steph and didn’t have much luck at all.

Some were alright but it wasn’t what I really wanted.

Although, right after we gave up and went to the mall to see a movie we both remember about “Samuel and Co” which carried grad dresses. I found one I really liked in there but it was one size too big and they weren’t able to order the correct size in because there were none left anywhere. Booo. They’re getting more in in about a week and a half so we’re both planning to go back there then…hopefully with better results!


At Wed Feb 01, 11:03:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this entry. I think you should do another update. :)


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