Monday, December 26, 2005

Apparently Christmas is completely over since it just turned 12:00am here.

My Aunt and Uncle got satellite radio for Christmas and they just stopped playing Christmas music since it turned 12:00 like 5 minutes ago.
No more lights or anything around.
American’s are weird:P

My family is half Canadian so they’ll keep it festive for another little bit :P

I was talking to my cousin tonight and she was asking me what bands I liked.
I mentioned Rush and guess what! She went to camp with the drummers (Neil Peart) daughter from Rush. Apparently she was friends with her.
One day at camp they had “bring in your parents” day and anyways, her Neil wasn’t able to come in so “she had his Dad’s friends come in. They were all dressed up like rockers where everyone else’s parents where in a polo shirt and kakis”.

Haha weird.
She also told me that she used to be friends with this guy...and that friends brother was good friends with Katie Holmes.

I found that pretty interesting :P

That’s it for now.

Merry Christmas.


At Sun Jan 15, 11:42:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found it! Good times. I agree, BlueKaffee is starting to get to me too. I usually just read other people's and comment if I want to. Blogging is the way to go :) Update soon, I'm coming back!


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