Saturday, February 11, 2006

Report card/Halifax

Report card yesterday...

All I can say it that it was a bit of a surprise me to me! I think I’m going to go talk to my Math, French and the Science department head about my marks for those courses. It seems like something impossible has happened since last report card and then now, like from my marks from quizzes and the exam just doesn’t seem to add up right…

This time next week I’ll be in Halifax with Maria :)

We decided it would do us both some good going away for a little bit, she’ll be on her midterm break and I’ll be missing 4 days of school. We’re leaving Saturday morning and coming back Thursday afternoon, and knowing me I’ll go to school on Thursday for the last two classes if I have some extra time. Haha

It’s funny though. When Maria and I thought about going away the first place we checked flights/prices for was the Bahamas since that’s where her dad lives…but then we just settled for Halifax because prices for the Bahamas we’re usually expensive for the dates we wanted.

I really should update this more often, I’d rather say things on this rather then on bk.

I don’t even know if even reads this!...well except for Jen! She left two comments so far.

That’s it for now.


At Sat Feb 11, 11:26:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halifax is freaking amazing. Try THEIR glo golfing :) It's in Bayers Lake. There and the Halifax Shopping Centre. And go to the waterfront! Beautiful down there.

Oh I miss Halifax :(

At Sun Feb 12, 02:06:00 AM , Blogger Maryellen said...

Glo Golfing isn't anything new to me, sure I work at Glow in One in the mall! haha
But, I will keep it in mind!

I am pretty excited though.
I haven't gone a trip like this with a friend before :)


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