Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Kids are wonderfull

After well...one day, I gave in to bk... pretty sad eh?

It was really warm here today.
And tomorrow it's supposed to be 89 degrees...which is about 33.
But whatever, I'm not complaining, I mean, I hate the coldness way to much to complain about heat.

Today was long.
I had a nice 45 minute phone call from Hannah today though :), I was also talking to Michelle and Emma too. It was really nice to hear from them again. Oh! cutest story. Hannah was telling me that a few days ago Emma(she's 3) was in the bath tub and she head her say my name, so she went in to see what she was doing and she had a plastic phone up to her ear pretending to talk to me on the phone. How sweet :)

All day today Jaimie and I were playing MSN tag, it wasn't cool! I want to talk to her!
I sent out another letter today, so far thats seven, I think that's the best I've even done with writing letters. 3 have gone to Mount Pearl, 3 to Starrigan, and one to Wabana.

Anyways, kids, they're absolutly amazing.
Hense why I'm doing primary/elementary education.
But over the past few months I've realized it so much more, I guess where I've been living them and just over all spending a lot of my times being with them
At first I started to work with kids at work, when I moved into Rob and Shellys and a few of my Aunts friends grandkids I've been with a few times while I've been here. Yesterday I spent 3 hours with a 4 year old(Emma) and 3(Sammy) it was probably one of my most enjoyable moments while I've been here.
Their unconditional love is so great.

Joe(the father): Hey Emma, hotdog or hamburger?
Emma: Hotdog.
Emma:...Maryellen, what are you getting?
Me: Hamburger.
Emma: Daddyyyyyyyy, I want a hamburger now.

...later on...

Joe: Hey Em, need to go to the bathroom?
Emma: no.
Me: ....but I do!
Emma: me too!





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