Sunday, July 09, 2006

Bye Bye BK.

I put my BK on "away mode" until I come home, or at least until the 23rd of July, who knows where I'll exactly be then. I was tried of reading all the crap that happened on that website, seriously, I think as a whole we'd all be better off without it. A few days ago someone posted "I had such a great day yesterday, and I think it was because I wasn't on BK", how true that is. Yesterday the internet here at the house was down, so I was unable to access the website, and I did in fact have a nice day. I guess some ways I'll miss it for the next two weeks, but it many ways I won't. I think I enjoyed it more so because I was cuious what was going on at home, and curious isn't always a good thing, I was generally going being led to finding out things I'd be better off not knowing. So that's it. I'm finished with BK until the 23rd.

Yeah, I may seem a little bitter today, and well I am, I'm not having a good day, I'll probably be fine later on anyways.

For any of you who have read my bk lately, they didn't exactly seem too happy, but I am enjoying my trip somewhat, but it seems like the only time I ever come to write on this is in a bad mood, so you're all just catching me at all my bad times! :P

Last night was beautiful though.
We took the top down out of the jeep and went driving in downtown Birmingham, it's like a fancy part of Michigan. It was really warm out and my first long drive in a converable, and as a nice finish to the evening, on the way home I spotted some really nice fireworks, so we stopped on the road and watched them for about 10 minutes. Fireworks you may ask? Yep, these Americans here still arn't finished celebrating the 4th of July :P So as of now, the firework period has been from the 22nd-8th. haha

The weather has been beautiful here, Ive been out in the lake many times either swimming, paddle boat or kayaking. I'm getting really tanned too, which is nice for a change I guess!

I'm really needing to pick up the pace with studying for the Biology Exam... I still stand to that it was a really good idea for me not to write it in June...but I do need to start studying for it! The exam, I think, is the week after Music Camp so I guess it's possible I won't even being going to camp anymore? Too bad, who knows. Although, this exam, school and MUN is much more important than music camp...saddly :P haha.

My new comptuer is great!
I'm enjoying it very much.
Josh is helping me out setting it up and downloading things I need to make it better so that's really nice of him. My knowledge towards computers isn't very much, well I guess because it's a new opporating system. But either way, I've quite impressed with the comptuer.

I guess that's enough for now...


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