Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm content

My new investement is great :)
Except for my bank account...the balance isn't so great anymore..

Whatever. Hopefully I'll have my job when I get home! Yeah, with my job since there were many of us leaving for a nice bit of the summer, she just told me to check back when I get home and they'll do my best to hold it, but no guarentees.

It's really nice here today. Not super hot, but a lot nicer than yesterday. Yesterday was pretty extreme, the day before it was about 34 degrees and yesterday was only 19! I'm currently out on the deck with my aunt on my new computer. We're going out for supper with granddad soon so that'll be nice. He lives in this home and there is this old lady there and her name is Maryellen! how weird, I haven't ever really met another Maryellen before.

I can't believe I've been here for two weeks already.
That time went really fast. In a way I'm looking forward to going home, and in another I'm not at all.
I mean, I absolutly LOVE it here with my Aunt Anne and Uncle Rick..but I don't exactly have any friends here. So I'm really missing having my friends around now. I'll be only home for a week though and then I'll be off to Music Camp. I only decided to go like yesterday...oops, I was a little slow getting my form in...and it's not even in yet! :P But Val said it shouldn't be a problem anyways. Neither Britt, Court, Kayla, Jess or Cassandra are going this year though, and they've been the girls in my bedroom at camp for the past 3 or 4 years, so I'm not sure about that...that's what was holding me back from going. I don't want to be there and just feel random.

I guess I should go be social again.
See you everyone!
(except I don't think anyone reads these...haha comment if you do)


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