Friday, July 14, 2006

Another bible verse for the night.

Romans 8:26-28

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, whohave been called according to his purpose."

Quote of the Day

"I know that God will never give me more than I can handle. But sometimes I wish He didn't trust me so much."

-Mother Thersea

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bible verses for tonight

1 Peter 1:6-8

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kind of trials. These have come so that your faith -- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-- may be proven genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy"

John 16:33

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. But this world world you will have great trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

I came across those verses tonight, and thought I'd share :)

It hit me tonight, that I'm really looking forward to Music Camp this year.
This is the latest I've ever signed up for it though, I mean, Val is faxing me a form tomorrow..haha!
I was unsure about it for a few reasons, but I've made up my mind, and I do believe I'll be there.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Kids are wonderfull

After day, I gave in to bk... pretty sad eh?

It was really warm here today.
And tomorrow it's supposed to be 89 degrees...which is about 33.
But whatever, I'm not complaining, I mean, I hate the coldness way to much to complain about heat.

Today was long.
I had a nice 45 minute phone call from Hannah today though :), I was also talking to Michelle and Emma too. It was really nice to hear from them again. Oh! cutest story. Hannah was telling me that a few days ago Emma(she's 3) was in the bath tub and she head her say my name, so she went in to see what she was doing and she had a plastic phone up to her ear pretending to talk to me on the phone. How sweet :)

All day today Jaimie and I were playing MSN tag, it wasn't cool! I want to talk to her!
I sent out another letter today, so far thats seven, I think that's the best I've even done with writing letters. 3 have gone to Mount Pearl, 3 to Starrigan, and one to Wabana.

Anyways, kids, they're absolutly amazing.
Hense why I'm doing primary/elementary education.
But over the past few months I've realized it so much more, I guess where I've been living them and just over all spending a lot of my times being with them
At first I started to work with kids at work, when I moved into Rob and Shellys and a few of my Aunts friends grandkids I've been with a few times while I've been here. Yesterday I spent 3 hours with a 4 year old(Emma) and 3(Sammy) it was probably one of my most enjoyable moments while I've been here.
Their unconditional love is so great.

Joe(the father): Hey Emma, hotdog or hamburger?
Emma: Hotdog.
Emma:...Maryellen, what are you getting?
Me: Hamburger.
Emma: Daddyyyyyyyy, I want a hamburger now.

...later on...

Joe: Hey Em, need to go to the bathroom?
Emma: no.
Me: ....but I do!
Emma: me too!




Sunday, July 09, 2006

Bye Bye BK.

I put my BK on "away mode" until I come home, or at least until the 23rd of July, who knows where I'll exactly be then. I was tried of reading all the crap that happened on that website, seriously, I think as a whole we'd all be better off without it. A few days ago someone posted "I had such a great day yesterday, and I think it was because I wasn't on BK", how true that is. Yesterday the internet here at the house was down, so I was unable to access the website, and I did in fact have a nice day. I guess some ways I'll miss it for the next two weeks, but it many ways I won't. I think I enjoyed it more so because I was cuious what was going on at home, and curious isn't always a good thing, I was generally going being led to finding out things I'd be better off not knowing. So that's it. I'm finished with BK until the 23rd.

Yeah, I may seem a little bitter today, and well I am, I'm not having a good day, I'll probably be fine later on anyways.

For any of you who have read my bk lately, they didn't exactly seem too happy, but I am enjoying my trip somewhat, but it seems like the only time I ever come to write on this is in a bad mood, so you're all just catching me at all my bad times! :P

Last night was beautiful though.
We took the top down out of the jeep and went driving in downtown Birmingham, it's like a fancy part of Michigan. It was really warm out and my first long drive in a converable, and as a nice finish to the evening, on the way home I spotted some really nice fireworks, so we stopped on the road and watched them for about 10 minutes. Fireworks you may ask? Yep, these Americans here still arn't finished celebrating the 4th of July :P So as of now, the firework period has been from the 22nd-8th. haha

The weather has been beautiful here, Ive been out in the lake many times either swimming, paddle boat or kayaking. I'm getting really tanned too, which is nice for a change I guess!

I'm really needing to pick up the pace with studying for the Biology Exam... I still stand to that it was a really good idea for me not to write it in June...but I do need to start studying for it! The exam, I think, is the week after Music Camp so I guess it's possible I won't even being going to camp anymore? Too bad, who knows. Although, this exam, school and MUN is much more important than music camp...saddly :P haha.

My new comptuer is great!
I'm enjoying it very much.
Josh is helping me out setting it up and downloading things I need to make it better so that's really nice of him. My knowledge towards computers isn't very much, well I guess because it's a new opporating system. But either way, I've quite impressed with the comptuer.

I guess that's enough for now...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm content

My new investement is great :)
Except for my bank account...the balance isn't so great anymore..

Whatever. Hopefully I'll have my job when I get home! Yeah, with my job since there were many of us leaving for a nice bit of the summer, she just told me to check back when I get home and they'll do my best to hold it, but no guarentees.

It's really nice here today. Not super hot, but a lot nicer than yesterday. Yesterday was pretty extreme, the day before it was about 34 degrees and yesterday was only 19! I'm currently out on the deck with my aunt on my new computer. We're going out for supper with granddad soon so that'll be nice. He lives in this home and there is this old lady there and her name is Maryellen! how weird, I haven't ever really met another Maryellen before.

I can't believe I've been here for two weeks already.
That time went really fast. In a way I'm looking forward to going home, and in another I'm not at all.
I mean, I absolutly LOVE it here with my Aunt Anne and Uncle Rick..but I don't exactly have any friends here. So I'm really missing having my friends around now. I'll be only home for a week though and then I'll be off to Music Camp. I only decided to go like yesterday...oops, I was a little slow getting my form in...and it's not even in yet! :P But Val said it shouldn't be a problem anyways. Neither Britt, Court, Kayla, Jess or Cassandra are going this year though, and they've been the girls in my bedroom at camp for the past 3 or 4 years, so I'm not sure about that...that's what was holding me back from going. I don't want to be there and just feel random.

I guess I should go be social again.
See you everyone!
(except I don't think anyone reads these...haha comment if you do)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Out for Delivery!

Despite the mail hold up from the weekend and the 4th of July, my computer is on it's way.
As of 8:06 this morning the status reads "Out for Delivery"
