Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Another one done!

So, this semester flew by, yet again! And thank goodness, I'm ready for it to be finished, I'm tired of being tired and stressing over work. Only another 3 days of class :), which is probably the most difficult week as I have absolutely no motivation to go to school since most classes are cancelled anyways. So I'm obviously looking forward to the month break!

I'm going away again for Christmas this year, to Michigan and Colorado! Michigan from the 16th until the 23rd and then Colorado from then until the 31st when I get home in time for new years! I'm really looking forward to seeing my family again, and also for the fact I'll be in Colorado, I haven't been there before and apparently I'll love it.

Courses for next semester are a go. I'm taking French 2100, Spanish 1000, History 2610 (history of the united states!), Religion 3251 (The Gospel of John) and Psychology 1001. Should be alright I guess! Learning a new language will be neat, having Janis Black again for french will be great, history and religion will be interesting, and psychology, well that'll be interesting and hard most likely.

I guessss I'll get some sleep.
By the look of it I probably won't update until like March, but hopefully not!


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