Monday, December 26, 2005

Apparently Christmas is completely over since it just turned 12:00am here.

My Aunt and Uncle got satellite radio for Christmas and they just stopped playing Christmas music since it turned 12:00 like 5 minutes ago.
No more lights or anything around.
American’s are weird:P

My family is half Canadian so they’ll keep it festive for another little bit :P

I was talking to my cousin tonight and she was asking me what bands I liked.
I mentioned Rush and guess what! She went to camp with the drummers (Neil Peart) daughter from Rush. Apparently she was friends with her.
One day at camp they had “bring in your parents” day and anyways, her Neil wasn’t able to come in so “she had his Dad’s friends come in. They were all dressed up like rockers where everyone else’s parents where in a polo shirt and kakis”.

Haha weird.
She also told me that she used to be friends with this guy...and that friends brother was good friends with Katie Holmes.

I found that pretty interesting :P

That’s it for now.

Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas in Michigan :)

This is one of the first years in a long time I got that “family” feeling that your supposed to get during the Holidays.

My family hasn’t really ever been big about family, but I’m trying to change that from coming here every chance I can get :P

My Aunt opened up that collage I gave her and she started to cry.
I felt bad and good at the same time.
It holds a lot of fun memories of myself and Mom coming here during the summer.

I got a lot of really cool things.
It was much more fun this year because I didn’t have any idea about what I was going to get!

I got an acoustic guitar, which is pretty awesome.
As of now I only know a G cord… hopefully I’ll learn :P

Last night we went over to my Aunts friends house, and their two grandkids were there. They were only 1 and a half and 3 and a half, but they were cute and so smart. One came and asked me for a kiss before I left haha.
For some reason kids always tend to like me.

I’ll be home in a week!
I’ll get home 12:40am on New Years eve.
The bash should be fun this year since I haven’t seen people in a while.
I think afterwards Maria, Jill and myself are going out for breakfast, that should be nice.

I’m more than likely going to get to see Rent again before I come home!

Tomorrow were going boxing day shopping. Yay sales.
Did you know that Americans don’t have “boxing day”?
If you mentioned it there’s a good chance they wouldn’t know what you’re talking about.
So yeah, tomorrow when everyone is home with nothing to do I’ll be out shopping with sales :)

I haven’t spent a penny yet and I’ve been here a week!
That’ll change tomorrow :P
I’m planning on getting a few cds, Rent soundtrack, some DVD, more clothes, perhaps an iPod? We’ll see. The iPod is questionable, it’d like to get one but it depends…

I thought of something today…
It was about the Sound of Music.
It’s always on TV around Christmas/New Years, the music plays in stores during the holidays…but it’s not a Christmas musical…weird :PJust a little something I thought of.

Anyways, that’s it for now.
Merry Christmas everyone :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


This time next week I’ll be in Michigan :)

Lately I’ve been talking about two things:

  1. Michigan
  2. Rent

Rent is leaving theaters on Thursday…but I’m hoping I’ll be able to catch another seeing of the moving in Michigan. That’d be pretty sweet.

And look, I even managed to put them together in the same sentence…

How pathetic!

Hmm, I never really know what to say when I’m writing stuff for my blog…which still no one knows about:P

I tend to start writing quite often and then just don’t bother posting it.

BK is stating to annoy me a lot lately.

The atmosphere there is depressing, I hate it. But I can’t seem to give it up. It’s annoying.

I’m going to try to stay off of it while I’m away but that’ll probably last a day or two…if that. Actually, you know what? I doubt I’ll even make it to there. I’ll probably find some way to get on the internet while I’m in some airport…sadly enough.

Dad said he’d get me a cell phone for Christmas. Thank Goodness, Dad and I have been needing one between us for the past so many years. But yeah, I wasn’t expecting it or anything. I thought my trip to Michigan was my Christmas present but then he brought that up in the car so I wasn’t complaining :P

Anyways, I’m out.


Monday, December 12, 2005

I think something is wrong with me.

All I do is Rent Rent Rent.

The past few days all I have been listening to is Rent….and maybe a bit of Rush, but that’s just because it’s right after Rent on my iTunes. :P

Rent is coming out of the theaters in a few days because apparently it’s not doing too well in the box office…which is sad because it’s amazing. I was hoping to get to see it again, but no. Hey, maybe it’ll still be in theaters when I go to Michigan.

I’m going to get a burnable DVD and get Josh to burn me off a copy of Rent until it comes out to keep me sane until then :)

I leave for Michigan in a week from tomorrow! That’s crazy!

I’m really excited though, I’m going to have a great Christmas :)

So I haven’t really been updating this a lot…I still don’t’ think anyone has the link yet so whatever.

Then again, I wonder why I’m talking like someone else is going to be reading it :P