Monday, January 08, 2007

Solong Christmas break!

So here it is, Christmas break is over and classes start again tomorrow...
Although, I'm totally cool with the month long Christmas vacations!

For the first time in my life I think I can say that I'm REALLY not looking forward to going back. I generally don't mind school, but now that I have a term of MUN behind me I know what's expected and such..clearly a lot more than I did last term now all I can think about is how much more work I need to do to make it until April for my intense 4 months summer vacation!

Althoughhhh, midterm break is soon!
Well in 40 days, which I guess isn't soon at all, but that's a lot sooner than April!
Feb 16th-22nd, I vote youth group has a ski trip or something that weekend, that'd be pretty wicked sweet!(as Jaimie and I would say!)

I played Super Smash Bros tonight at snac, I forgot how sweet that game is, although I really sucked. Val voted the girls should have a turn so it was myself, Val, Maria A and the computer playing(set to level 1)...and guess who won! The computer! So I'm worse than a level one character playing by himself...lamee.

Anyways, It's 1 am and I have class in the morning. grossss.



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