Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Corps Retreat!

Retreat was last weekend and that was so awesome!

Friday when we arrived we all hung out in the dinning hall waiting for everyone else to get there just talking and stuff and then later on the teenages had a "Midnight madness" night (that started at 10:30) in the auditorium. We played this intense frisbee game with 10 frisbees and then life sized battleship! Then I finially learned how to play firth. I never had enough patience to try to learn it until this year (it took about 2 minutes to learn but I just never wanted to before I guess) and so yeah that was pretty sweet. Myself, Val, Laura, Melissa, Chris, Daniel and Jon were the last few to leave the auditorium and then decided to go bat hunting...that failed and then Laura, Val, Chris and myself played Taboo until 4am.

Saturday, got up, breakfast, session, bible study then lunch. The regular morning things, then a few of us went to check out the obstacle course that Laura, Jon and a few others made out there a few weeks ago. It looks awesome, then a bunch of us played cards for like 3 hours (Crazy 8's, which Chris won, and Eqyptian Rat Screw, which I won) and then myself, Ben and Chris played football with my folks (Rob, John, Emma and Hannan). At this point it was almost supper.

After supper we had our theme night. MidEvil night.
That was like absolutly amazingly done!
Apparently Roxanne wrote up the whole entire script the night before retreat!
That was cool though, we were all dressed up from MidEvil time, and we had a midevil feast, played some games with that, and well the play that Roxanne, Derek, Debbie and Daryl put off was probably the best part. Dayrl dressed up as a girl in highheel shoes and a high cut skirt was hilarous!

Then we(youth groupish people) headed back to the dining hall and played some taboo for a few hours again which was intense. I found that I'm a crazy card player this weekend haha.

Melissa Wh: Mom says my hands are as big as....

Melissa Wh: Food you eat in the summer...

Haha it was awesome. They we had a few awesome rounds of Mad Gab.

Around 2 in the morning we headed down to the beach with blankets and stuff and watched shooting stars until like 3 in the morning.

Sunday...same routeen, breakfast, session, bible study, lunch...and then hmm I forget what I did.. Oh right, played a bit of soccer and then headed down to the baseballfield to watch the softball game where Me, Melissa Wi and Chris played more card games.. we didn't exactly watch the game at all haha. Then Me, Dale, Daniel, Chris and Ben headed down to Malcom Brown to go swimming where we met up with Laura, Jon W, Josh P and Maria A later. That was pretty cool, literally too, the water was freezing! But despite the cold I somehow ended up washing my hair in the water!

When we got back from that the Bocce championship game was going on. Melissa Williams and Andrew Wheeler vs Tom Fagner and Rick Hynes. That game was pretty intense, but in the end Tom and Rick on. We also had a mini bocce league where Braden and Robbie won.

Then it was supper time and then we had our night service over on the new park. That was alright, we had a little fire going too eventhough it was still bright out but it was pretty cool.

In the evening we had outside games.
The little kid game was first. I'm not really sure what they had to do but mine, Zach and Chris' duty was to go up on top of Happy Campers mountain and give the kids clues when they found us. To make it more entertaining the three of us decided to watch a movie to pass time haha, so Zach got his laptop and we watched Johnny English haha. Ryan Harding and Stephen Budgell came up and frightned us at one point, I screamed and got a HUGE headache from it. haha, it was gross. Apparently people down the mountain could hear them roar at us and me scream...oops!

Then it was our turn for a game.
We played "Boom" or something down at the softball field. Some game Val came up with I think, it was awesome all the same. We all changed clothes and stuff so no one knew who we were haha.
Then we ended up playing Capture the Flag for like 2 hours after.
Both games were pretty intense, I was really into them too for the first time like ever. It was crazy. Ryan Harding and I ended up having an adventure in the woods for like 30 minutes trying to get around camp to the back of the Auditorium, it was pretty funny.
Finially, to end the night we (Laura, Melissa Wi, Val, Chris, Ben, Jon, Josh P, Zach, myself and a few others )ended up back at the pond watching shooting stars again.

Monday morning, woke up, breakfast, pack and came home with Rhonda and John.

What an awesome weekend!


At Tue Sep 05, 06:39:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Sounds like you had an awesome time! My one question is.... when did you sleep?! :P I wish I coulda been there... have a great first year at MUN!

At Thu Sep 07, 01:37:00 PM , Blogger Maryellen said...

Haha sleeping doesn't exactly happen at Retreat :P

Thanks! I am too :)
I'm really enjoying it a lot!

At Sun Sep 17, 12:18:00 AM , Blogger Melissa said...

Yes, fun weekend!


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