Friday, January 19, 2007


More math got added into my life today!
..which is never a bad thing!

I switched one of my math classes today, it's the same course, just a better teacher in my opinion. I have him for my other math class so I knew what he was like, and the best part is that there's only 12 of us in the class!, so it'll make leaning much easier especially since we can all talk to each other about questions instead of having someone lecture you for 50 minutes about math without being able to ask any questions at all. He used to be a high school math teacher so he has the high school teaching approach on the go, it's sweet.

BUT, here's the catch. the class I transferred out off they all know me there, used to seeing me and such so I think I may still go. The class I left the prof gave SWEET notes but that was it, like only one example for each thing, not much of a variety of different examples to refer back to but the notes were actually amazing explaining the rules and such so yeah I'll go and sit there and copy his notes and then go to the new class for actually doing the work with a lot of examples and such. It could sound like a crazy idea to anyone other than myself...but it makes sense to me.

So this means I'll gave quite a few math classes each day :P

Monday: 3
Tuesday: 1
Wednesday: 4
Thursday: 1
Friday: 3


On top of all these math classes things I stayed after school today to work on math assignments, so all in all I did math for 6 hours today :).

This HAS to be the dorkiest journal I have ever written :P

Anyways, Spaghetti dinner tomorrow, should be...interesting, considering we hardly know the song we're playing...


Monday, January 08, 2007

Solong Christmas break!

So here it is, Christmas break is over and classes start again tomorrow...
Although, I'm totally cool with the month long Christmas vacations!

For the first time in my life I think I can say that I'm REALLY not looking forward to going back. I generally don't mind school, but now that I have a term of MUN behind me I know what's expected and such..clearly a lot more than I did last term now all I can think about is how much more work I need to do to make it until April for my intense 4 months summer vacation!

Althoughhhh, midterm break is soon!
Well in 40 days, which I guess isn't soon at all, but that's a lot sooner than April!
Feb 16th-22nd, I vote youth group has a ski trip or something that weekend, that'd be pretty wicked sweet!(as Jaimie and I would say!)

I played Super Smash Bros tonight at snac, I forgot how sweet that game is, although I really sucked. Val voted the girls should have a turn so it was myself, Val, Maria A and the computer playing(set to level 1)...and guess who won! The computer! So I'm worse than a level one character playing by himself...lamee.

Anyways, It's 1 am and I have class in the morning. grossss.


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Happy New Year!

Wow, my poor blog keeps getting ditched for long periods of time!
I could say I'll try to update here more often this year, but I know I won' there's no point in trying to even convince myself otherwise!

Christmas in Michigan this year was a success once again!
I went down on the 14th this year since my exams ended earlier so I got to go to school with Aunt Anne for 7 days before she was off for the holidays. Helping out with her kindergarten class was great, her kids were super cute :) I love how I have those opportunities to go in her class and help her teach since it's what I'm studying at mun. I guess it's nice knowing what I'm doing I'll really enjoy when I get there. I'm hoping to get down in in States again in April/May to see her and visit her class again before I head off to Ottawa with Jaimie!

I'm really looking forward to this year!
Last year was a little on the crazy side for a while, it all shaped up nicely though, new "family" as such, new house, new life pretty much and it's going great! I'm quite pleased! Hopefully next year I'll get to look back at 2007 and I hope I can say I enjoyed it as much(or even more) as the second part of 2006!

New Years rang in well.
The youth group party was great again, no power-outages this year!
I played Guitar Hero for the first time, it was pretty sweet. As much as I enjoyed it I'm glad we don't have it at the house because I think I'd end up playing it forever! I tend to get quite competive with myself, so you know, I'd have to keep going to do better than the time before... hah.

School in 1 more full day.
Although, I don't have any gross 8am classes this year which is marvelous! I actually think towards the end of last term I was becoming ill from needing to get up at such crazy hours in the morning for school, which probably effected the rest of my school work...soooo, I ditched my 8am class this term and moved it to another time slot...wise decision I do believe!

I'll TRY to keep this updated more often!

Happy New Year!