Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Quick update

Just a quick update to say :

The past few days have been so awesome! :)

One really bad thing came up in the middle of it, but besides that everything is going so great.

That's it!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Youth Group

The past few days of my summer have been great.

After being in Michigan for a month of the summer and spending a lot of time with my school friends it's been nice hanging out with the youth group folks again. Music Camp was when it all started up again I guess and then the past few days we've had youth groupish things to do and it's been great!

VBS is next week.
Wednesday we were down at the temple from 10-4
Thursday we went hiking around Signal Hill and that over all took about 4 hours.
Yesterday(friday) we were at the temple from 10-6 setting up again.
And tonight is the corp bonfire!

I guess just after 2 months off hanging out with like everyone it feels "normal" to just see the church folks again outside of my school friends since I generally only see them in school. I guess the normal routine feeling is coming back.

Anyways, I guess that's it.
I'll keep trying to update more often!

Oh, today I went to my Dad's house.
It was weird knowing that I was locked out and the alarm system code is changed.
Dad has new doors put in the house and a new patio made... it's just weird that I haven't been in my home since May 30th. The past week for the first time I actually started to miss having my own home..

I'm out.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

End of summer

Since the last update:

I came "home", it's ok I guess. Nothing I wasn't expecting anyways..

Then..Music Camp! Which I loved! Probably my favorite year so far. It was so awesome. I was unsure about going at first because none of my close "girl friends" were going, but because of it I found I was talking and getting to know a lot more people who I didn't really get to know a whole lot before which I thought was great, it felt refreshing I guess, it's been a while since got to know a whole lot of new people :)

Three days from now I have the dreaded Biology exam. dun dun dun...
I haven't really started hardcore studying yet though..which probably wasn't the best decision, but ah well, I'll be ok.

Next week is preparation for VBS which I'm really looking forward to doing, and then the following week is VBS then Corps Retreat! My summer is shaping up nicely despite everything that has happened.

Michigan was great, but I got lonely.
I didn't have any friends there at all so 4.5 weeks of hanging out with people in the age range of 50+ got a little boring after a while.. haha.

Getting on the internet is hard here so I won't be updating very often.

See you.