Monday, February 26, 2007

Montreal vs Toronto

"The day that Montreal beats Toronto... we'll all be amazed"
-Major Wade Budgell


We'll that game is undergo now, so we'll see :P

I'm neither a Montreal or Toronto fan, Detroit's my team, but all the same it was pretty funny considering how FANTASTIC Montreal has played this month ;)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Games over!

Games over!
6 people in my house...5 of which have the stomach flu.

I'm the only one left!

Although, I'm determined not to get it!

Lets see what happens!

Monday, February 12, 2007

I hate making up titles!

Emma and I are the only ones in the house who haven't caught the plague! Everyone else is stomach sick, 4 against 2...the chances of me not getting sick is looking pretty slim :(

I got my math exam back last week. 88% \m/!
My math teacher is like obsessed with me, I think even if I didn't do that well he'd still give me a sweet mark :P.
I had my other exam with him on friday, it went alright, I think I'll be getting that back today too!

I have my folklore exam this morning (lame) except I kinda forgot to study...I went into school saturday, studied a bit and planned to finish it on sunday, but since my whole family was sick I stayed out of the house as much as I could have yesterday and COMPLETELY forgot about it until I was at church last night! :|
Hah, whatever, I don't really care, I'll do fine!
Snac last night was pretty sweet, we played 4 on a couch, first time I've played it in like 4 years! Then towards the end I have no idea how it came up but some guys started making up "Chuck Norris" jokes about me and my cell phone, hahah it was pretty funny.

I actually feel bad going into school today since everyone is sick, especially Rob and Shelly, I feel like I should stay home with the kids..but I have an exam and all, I can't exactly skip that:S..

Oh! Good news!
I found out on friday night that I can in fact do the VBS road trip in april!
Oddly enough, it doesn't clash with my exams at all! sweeeet!


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Left handedness/Math exam

Mr Andrews: You know what really fascinates me? Left handedness, I have three kids and they're all left handed. And the funny this is that no one in our family at all are left handed! Their closest relative who's is, is my wife's first cousin.

Mr Andrews: Who here is left handed?

*myself and like 4 other people raise our hand*

Mr Andrews: Did you know that on average left handed people die before right handed people?

Gee thanks sir!

haha anyways,

I had a math exam with him today, it went REALLY well. It's definitely the happiest I've come out of an exam/test in a long while. I have my second math exam with him on friday, hopefully it goes as well!