Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Another one done!

So, this semester flew by, yet again! And thank goodness, I'm ready for it to be finished, I'm tired of being tired and stressing over work. Only another 3 days of class :), which is probably the most difficult week as I have absolutely no motivation to go to school since most classes are cancelled anyways. So I'm obviously looking forward to the month break!

I'm going away again for Christmas this year, to Michigan and Colorado! Michigan from the 16th until the 23rd and then Colorado from then until the 31st when I get home in time for new years! I'm really looking forward to seeing my family again, and also for the fact I'll be in Colorado, I haven't been there before and apparently I'll love it.

Courses for next semester are a go. I'm taking French 2100, Spanish 1000, History 2610 (history of the united states!), Religion 3251 (The Gospel of John) and Psychology 1001. Should be alright I guess! Learning a new language will be neat, having Janis Black again for french will be great, history and religion will be interesting, and psychology, well that'll be interesting and hard most likely.

I guessss I'll get some sleep.
By the look of it I probably won't update until like March, but hopefully not!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Summer 2007

It's been a while apparently, 3 months tomorrow actually!

Ever since the 34 hour power-outage things have been well!

Camp was fantastic this summer, I learned a lot, and Senior and Junior music camp were both great. This summer was my last summer being able to attend Starrigan as a camper, weird hey?!
For the summer my co-counselor was Maria Adey which was awesome! Myself and Maria in the same cabin was intense though, you see we're both really competitive so our competitiveness combined got a little out of hand sometimes! We pretty much won everything.. haha. We won first place every week except for 10-12 camp where we came third, we got the water bucket that week and our kids chose to dump it over Ben Riche. Judy was super sweet to me while I was there, every night for snack most of the snacks were chocolate chip cookies, brownies...etc so she'd always remember I can't have chocolate and bring me out a special treat! She'd do the same meal times if dessert was chocolate too! aww haha.

I wasn't able to squeeze in another Michigan trip which is unfortunate, but it was simple too expensive, but I've been doing VBS stuff all this week and the next so at least I'm busy. The trip down to Michigan early this summer though went well, coming home was hard though, I even got a little "home sick" from Michigan to the point where I called my aunt crying saying I was going to buy a plane ticket back up the next day... haha that passed in a few days thankfully!

Now that the summer is ending though I'm actually getting to spend time with Hannah, John and Emma which I haven't been able to do hardly at all this summer. Between Michigan, Burin, Camp, Camp, and camp I've maybe seen them like 3 weeks all together since I got out of school in April. Emma's birthday is next week, she'll be 4! :) She called me from her grandparents trailer today saying, "I just saw poppy on the news, and I saw a cute doggie and kitty too" haha! She's precious

Friday, May 18, 2007

Michigan (early summer 07)

34 hour power-outage....
Hopefully that'll be an experience I will be acquainted with only once...

Other than that, Michigan is fabulous!
Beautiful weather, really warm, none of that rain/drizzle/fog garbage, lots of biking, many canoe trips, t-shirts, flip flops, capris/shorts, suntans.....I'm satisfied!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Go, Go, Jonah!/Summer

So, I pretty much completely forgot about my blog.
I blame it all on facebook!

This weekend has been completely fantastic.
Go, Go, Jonah was great!
I'm so proud of the little kids :)

I saw my old voice teacher there tonight, and of course, I balled. haha, it was pretty embaressing :P. She used to be like one of my favorite people ever, she was so sweet to me when Mom passed away, and I like haven't seen her since! She told me to give her a call sometime and we'll go out for dinner to chat :)

So, last day of classes THIS wednesday!!?
That's pretty crazy!
A four month summer sounds pretty deadly, but it's half worrying me at the same time! I'm going to Michigan for 3-4 weeks I believe, so that'll take me to the end-ish of May, I'll be working at camp hopefully for july and August, but I have NO idea what I'll do for June! A month of doing nothing will be gross..

I guess that's it..

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

exciting news!

Some pretty exciting news:

Only 10 more school days until exams, and then summer vacation for 4 months! :)

Billy Joel concert on May 4th which I might be attending in Michigan! How fantastic that will be if it works out!

This time next month, I'll be at Starrigan!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Montreal vs Toronto

"The day that Montreal beats Toronto... we'll all be amazed"
-Major Wade Budgell


We'll that game is undergo now, so we'll see :P

I'm neither a Montreal or Toronto fan, Detroit's my team, but all the same it was pretty funny considering how FANTASTIC Montreal has played this month ;)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Games over!

Games over!
6 people in my house...5 of which have the stomach flu.

I'm the only one left!

Although, I'm determined not to get it!

Lets see what happens!